The General Educational Development (GED) consists of four subject tests. If and when a test taker passes all four parts, the test taker is given a GED diploma that is often called a Certificate of High School Equivalency. Pearson, the renowned educational services company, is the sole developer of the GED. Many people take the GED so that they can receive the GED diploma, which allows them to meet the basic qualifications for many occupations. The GED is scored in a manner that is very similar to the SAT: the entire exam is graded on a scale between 200 and 800. Although many individuals take the GED exam just to pass it, there are various distinctions one can receive if their score qualifies for such. If a test taker passes some of the parts of the exam, but fails the others, the student can retake only the failed portions at a later date. 

    At RQM Tutorial, we work with GED students on a one-on-one basis in an effort to provide them with the most personalized instruction possible. Our instructors go over the large number of topics that are covered in the four years of high school and the GED in a much shorter timespan. Moreover, we take a great amount of care in ensuring that classes are as convenient as possible in order to meet whatever other commitments our adult students have. We offer night and weekend classes. In addition, our GED students take proctored examinations every month in order to track their progress. Our goal is not just to guarantee that our students attain a GED diploma but to qualify them to earn one with honors.

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