At RQM, we strive to provide our customers with the lowest prices possible without sacrificing quality. Even though we will always continue to improve the experience for our students, we do so at no cost to our clients. We find it extremely important that our programs are not only effective and engaging, but also affordable. Although we research our competitors’ prices to ensure that ours are lower, we also offer the most comprehensive price-match guarantee in the industry. 

We know that many of the companies in the test prep industry to charge high prices, and they do so without fault; rising rents, electricity and utility bills, and highly capable staff are all very expensive and do contribute to the somewhat high price tag. However, every company has to find a way to persevere through the aforementioned obstacles and they do so in a myriad of ways: some choose to degrade quality appropriately to provide the consumer with the lowest possible price while others choose to just pass on the costs to the consumer hoping that the client will recognize the added value in their programs. As a company, although we understand why others have to do so, we don’t believe in either approach. Why cannot education be easily accessible, affordable, and effective?

At RQM, we invite our customers to search for the highest quality of education for their children, whether it be at a large chain tutorial, private school, or our institution. We are incredibly passionate about education and truly believe in its ability to empower individuals to create and develop ideas and/or objects that they could have never imagined to be possible. That is why we offer the most comprehensive price-match guarantee. 

We’ll match the price of any of our competitors for a similar service. Obviously, this is incredibly complex in a fragmented industry with some institutions offering more hours and more sessions than others (thus leading to a higher cost). Put simply, we will match the hourly rate for a similar program from any of our competitors. Simply, bring in proof of the current lower price, your registration form with us, and we’ll match the price. We reserve the right to verify a competitor’s advertised price. We’re committed to providing you with the best experience possible. 

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