One becomes educated on the inside. The mind flowers within, watered from the outside with droplets of information, lesson by lesson, drop by drop. To behold a child’s enlightenment, one must be observant. We at RQM love seeing the “light bulb moment,” that wide-eyed burst of excitement emanating from a student when brilliance radiates out in light-rays, like the seven points on the crown of the statue of liberty; but unfortunately, academic achievement by itself won’t make the world a better place. In reality, knowledge trapped inside the mind is like unpicked fruit--it “dies on the vine.” At RQM Tutorial, we want to cultivate the fruit of our students’ knowledge for the greater good of everyone. In fact, Quazi M. Rahman, M.D., founded RQM with the principle of the greater good in mind, following in the footsteps of his uncle, the renowned engineer-professor-philanthropist Dr. Fazlur R. Khan. It is he who paved the way.

Building knowledge on the outside, offering concrete benefit to others by one’s deeds, is our higher aim at RQM Tutorial. Only when one’s heart provides the necessary ingredient-- passion--can one’s inner knowledge express itself in concrete goodness in the outside world. For us, the best example of one whose passion for knowledge proved itself to the outside world is the uncle of RQM founder Dr. Quazi Rahman, M.D.--the great Bangladeshi architect Dr. Fazlur Khan. A source of inspiration to the entire staff at RQM Tutorial, Dr. Fazlur Khan ought to further serve as a role model to every one of our brilliant students. Our students’ greatness should be built according to Dr. Fazlur Khan’s blueprint for enduring success: he combined great individual knowledge with even greater passion to use that knowledge to do right by meeting the needs of others in this world

Dr. Fazlur R. Khan was educated in engineering and technology, and he will always be honored worldwide for his ingenious technical innovations in the world of architectural engineering--but this man built more than tall buildings. He built the charitable organization known as the Bangladesh Foundation, originally begun as the Bangladesh Defense League in 1971 to right the wrongs of political actors during a time of war for independence. In early 1971, the Bangladesh Defense League served to provide material support in aiding the country of Bangladesh in its war to become an independent nation

Perhaps even more importantly, the Bangladesh Defense League advocated politically to bring world attention to the injustices being committed upon the Bangladeshi people at that time of deadly warfare in 1971. Later in that same year the Bangladesh Defense League worked with another organization created by Dr. Fazlur R. Khan, a more peace-oriented organization, the Bangladesh Emergency Relief Fund. This non-profit organization eased the suffering of countless thousands of people during a time of strife for the people of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Emergency Relief Fund then evolved in 1972 to the Bangladesh Foundation, headed ever since 1982 by the honorable Dr. Zillur Rahman Khan, Dr. Fazlur Khan’s brother. Thanks to Dr. Zillur R. Khan, the dream of Dr. Fazlur R. Khan's philanthropic organization founded in 1971 continues--one must do right not only by the needs of one's own people, but all deserving people in the world

The moral to this real-life story is that you have to give back. That’s our guiding principle at RQM Tutorial. We are driven by our passion to educate youth and to emulate the enduring virtues of a role model such as Dr. Fazlur R. Khan. Recently, Princeton University has established a course on his contributions to Engineering Architecture. Indeed, he was a genius engineer and ingenious engine of change. From enduring greatness comes the founding principle of RQM Tutorial: When you educate passionately, that education blossoms into a passion for great deeds. And round and round it goes. 

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